Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Pen Is A Ball Of Nuclear Fire Ninety-Three Million Miles Away

I stayed home from church on Sunday morning and poured the cement for the lower pond in my garden. It's coming together nicely. Also planted all the flowers and trees.

When it's filled with water, it looks SWEET. We filled it Monday night, but the pump clogged. After cleaning it we decided to wait and make a filter before starting the thing up again.

Spent the rest of Sunday around the house...fine-tuning the new drum set a bit, etc.

Er...also spent a bit of Sunday cleaning my room.

Monday went up north to a big flea market in a park. Mostly antique dealers, but still plenty of good stuff. I made duct tape wallets for the sisters on the way up...girls' pants just need bigger pockets, that's all there is to it. When everyone else got their re-entry stamp on their wrist, I got mine on my forehead. Kept my hat pulled low, but it was fun.

Picked up a working laptop for thirty bucks. Needs some upgrades before I can use it the way I want to: Instant message from anywhere in or out of the house, and stream music to the drumset, a few small broken parts, but all fixable. Great price.

Got to watch a guy making bear sculptures with a chain saw. That was really cool.

Watched another guy using welding glasses and a magnifying glass to burn pictures onto wood. The dealer in the next aisle was making a fortune off of magnifying glasses, and couldn't figure out why. I bought a rather large one myself. Used it to burn the date into a piece of bark and stuck it in my garden.

Then picked up a doo-cap-cloth thinger just for kicks.

Water was two dollars a bottle. I'm guessing it was holy water pumped from the ground by George Washington. It tasted like crap anyway. :-)

Bought a box of dryer cloths and scattered them around my room, especially in the closet and the dresser. Everyone else says they can't smell it, but I am positive our laundry soap makes my clothes stink. Honestly, I like the smell of them dirty better than when they're clean, and that's just disgusting.

Then when we got home around one in the afternoon, everyone went to sleep...except me. I went and worked at Tim's, pulling weeds and hauling woodchips and fixing quads and replacing weed-killer sprayer hoses. Earned back almost as much money as I'd spent that morning.

Today...Didn't do loads. Calling up all my connections to see what needs to be done to get the laptop going nicely. Went for a nice run. Went much longer without stopping than last time, unfortunately, I have no clue how far I ran. Plan: Use the odometer on the moped to figure out how many laps through the woods it'll take to equal two miles.

SOTD: Audio Adrenaline - Starting Over (I like maybe one out of five Audio Adrenaline songs, but this one is pretty cool.)

EDIT: FTTDOTD: Go to SeaWorld. Bring a fishing pole. (idea courtesy of Travis)


Anonymous said...

I've only ever been to a flea market maybe six times. All a while ago. Every time the guy with the chainsaw art was on break. :-P

'doo-cap-cloth thinger'?

Yay for running in circles! :-D

Anonymous said...

WOW you are a very busy dude! Nice drum set by the way it looks sweet!
Flea markets usually bore me, but the one you went to sounded fun!

Our soap makes our clothes smell somewhat like DR. pepper.

Oh, I'm in the band!

Well I'm out. A.A. is a good band.

Sentry said...

how you come up with the names for these things is still beyond me...

im not much of a flea market person myself but the stap sounds fun.

your not gonna wear that do-cap thinger untill you get a tan line like dan are you? cuz thats just tacky.

our laundry soap gives me a me headache. then again so does everything else.

fishing pole...lol. "come on free willy bite the worm!!!"

i dont really care for A.A. either every once in a while they have a 1/2 decent one but never anything phenomenal.

Anonymous said...

I got better! My finger is great. I played at the worship service! During practice, I got to improvise with the electric while there was backup a lead and drums! So it rocked. I am so happy. It is a dream come true.

I had been contemplating a splint or something stiff to keep my finger from bending, but the flexibility requirement was a problem and my dad said it would make my finger weaker.

But I'm better so thats great. :)

Catcha later,

Ken Tanis said...

@RelientKfan: Great!

@Sentry: Some of them are lyrics from the SOTD, this one refers to burning pictures into wood with a magnifying glass.

No. It is surprisingly comfortable though.

Everything gives you a headache? :-(