Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Not A Rant

Got busy, no time for a rant, sorry.

Had a fire yesterday, burned the vacuum. Remember, the one Travis dragged through the streets...the only thing left of it was the motor. Actually had trouble putting it out...bonus from living on a gravel road: free fire extinguishing material.

The pool liner leaks. Gonna have to make the lower pond out of cement. This project is getting expensive. As in, going to be spending around one hundred dollars this weekend to buy the rest of the stuff. Kinda uncool.

The screw that stabbed my bike tire went all the way now I'm waiting for another patch job to dry. Maybe tomorrow I can go for a bike ride then.

Got the gocart out today. It's slower than it used to be... :)

Spent a coupla hours shoveling dirt at Travis'...their back yard is all sand, so we were spreading topsoil.

Then went to Tim's and helped unpack a bunch of stuff they'd brought back from their cottage. Debbie pays twice as much as Tim does. :D

Got a bet going with Travis, once his pool is open, we're gonna stay outside all day, mostly in the vicinity of the pool, and if I'm not sunburned badly enough to peel at the end of the day, he has to buy me ice cream. If I lose, obviously, I buy him ice cream.

Free ice cream for me, I think.

Don't have a song of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. That garden should feel special now.