Monday, May 21, 2007

...And The Whole Town Said 'The Boy Should've Used Red'...

Friday: I squandered downloading TV shows from when I was younger...The nineties just had better TV shows, let's face it. Does anybody REALLY still find 'Survivor' interesting?

Friday evening almost had a nice fight with a coupla retards (they go to Wayland schools, they can't help it) who were vandalizing Travis' grandpa's house. I got there about thirty seconds too late and missed all the fun...they were already running away down the street. Apparently after Travis shot at them the first time, they weren't nearly as brave. Whatever courage they had left abandoned them when Travis then chased them down the road waving his knife around.

Saturday, covered everything on the bottom of my truck with oil...When a car isn't being driven, it rusts MUCH faster. Rust is crumbly, and crumbly brake lines are bad brake lines...they're also brake lines that blow holes when you try to stop...and then you don't stop. Was a slow, cramped job. Got oil everywhere. It wouldn't be bad at all if there was room to move around, but some genius decided that the higher-maintenance bits of a car should go underneath. Anyway, now it's got oil on it. So do I.

In the mean time, The sisters painted the railroad tie retaining walls we have scattered throughout the yard with oil as well. Keeps 'em from rotting and makes 'em look all shiny black.

Then: drum roll, got all the stuff together to pour the cement for my garden. Before picture:

As you can see, the sod has been removed, the wall relocated, dirt brought in to form a hill, and trenches/basins dug for the actual stream thingy. I've also put down chicken wire to form the cement around, to keep it strong.

Hunting all over the place for the parts, finally got all the pumps, hoses, pipes, cement, wire, wheelbarrows, shovels, hoes, buckets of gravel, tarps, and spectators. Yeah, managed to pick up two or three of them.

Photoshop can make your arms really thick or really thin. Wonder if it could clean my shirt?

I don't like this angle so much, but it shows the stream. I'll have dirt and very small flowers around the edges so the cement won't look nearly so nasty when it's done. The small bits of gravel and rocks look pretty cool stuck in the cement, methinks, and they'll make a nice sound when we run water over them. The pipe sticking through the cement at the top is for the hose to come in through. This way if the hose leaks, it will be easy to remove and replace. The pump will sit in the bottom of the bucket there, and the pond around the bucket will be made from a large scrap of pool dad knows a guy who is replacing his, and the old one is mostly, that'll be my bottom dad has plans for the rest of the liner...if I get a pond, he wants to make one too. Only bigger. :)

Saturday morning, biked down to the gas station and bought a bunch of pocketknives...

Sunday, church, boring, mowed the lawn because my dad had a migraine and couldn't finish it. (if you've ever had a migraine, you know what it's like to want to close all the windowshades, duct tape everyone's mouths, and shut your head in the freezer)
Directly after that, off to church for the open air concert, in which I was playing the trusty bongos and shakers. Spent like an hour toting speakers and cables and junk outside to the two big trailers we had set up as a stage. It was a lot of fun though, because we all got to goof off on stage, talk to each other and the audience between songs, make fun of each other, cheer, etc. If we messed up, no one cared. We also played a selection of the coolest songs we've done at church over the past coupla years. A few people even got up and danced. Then there were hot dogs, put everything away, go home.

And that was the weekend of Ken.

SOTD: Joe Diffie - John Deere Green (Cool song. It grows on you.)

FTTDOTD: You can download a twenty-minute track that someone made of the part of the Christmas song that goes: 'Here Comes Santa Clause' being repeated over and over. Burn this to CDs and bring it to people's houses. When no one is in the room, put the CD in their player on 'repeat track' and turn the volume low so they won't notice it for a while.
Variations: Stick it in someone's car CD player; Bring it to the mall in a boombox and carry it around for a while until you are threatened with death or worse at least three times.

EDIT: well this site has it's downsides as well. I can't start new paragraphs wherever I want to.

EDIT: Fixed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh, a stream. That'll be interesting to see. :-)