Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bigger Is Louder

Doodle, you're the only one who will read this, and you've already heard it and commented it, so save yourself five minutes and skip it.

Cleaned up around the basement through the morning...after that we were going to town to buy the plants for my garden. On the way we were going to pick up a new radiator, because we'd spent much of yesterday working on the heating core, which is connected directly to the we were working, we noticed that the inside was gummed up quite badly. Apparently that's not some thing that can be cleaned, so, off we go.

On the way? The radiator decides it's had enough and starts spraying antifreeze out over the hood. Luckily the auto-parts store is a mile away. What I find interesting is the antifreeze jugs are labled: 'Antifreeze and Engine Coolant' It keeps the oil and gas and such from freezing...and it cools the engine...Be afraid. Be very afraid.

So we sit at Auto-Zone, Dad comes and gets us, he was waiting at the flower joint, he'd gone straight there from work. Looks at it, radiator is alright, cap just wasn't on tight enough. (Ever tried to take on or put off a radiator cap? It's pretty weird. You can't just turn it left, you need to push down at certain times as you go, 'cause it's got a sort of a childproofing thing to keep it from vibrating off.) We buy the new radiator anyway, still need it.

Go to flower store. The trees I'd decided on turned out to be the cheapest of the miniature trees at ten dollars a tree...gah. Some of these things were one hundred dollars or more, for just a tiny tree.

My spelling of the flowers was about as wrong as it could be. They're 'phlox'.

Went to the grandparents' house. 'Surprise, Happy Birthday Ken!'. Everyone decided to celebrate it early since we'll be busy on the ninth. Expensive stuff this year.
A drumset. Heads in terrible shape, finish scratched up, but still a nice set. The guy who used to own the place where my dad works had bought it for his son, who didn't know what he was doing and didn't take care of the set at all. One of the cymbals is cracked beyond playing.
Drum heads would have been very welcome, but after setting this set up amongst my old sounds so cool...I am happy. Had to move the drums back into my bedroom, just not enough space for 'em otherwise. Got piles of drum sticks as well. More than I'll ever use.

Then there's a very nice push mower. Gently used Honda. While I can't personally vouch for their cars, Honda's small engines are the absolute best I've ever seen. Our quad, gocart, and moped are all Hondas. Anyway, we've got spots that require a push mower, and some day I'll probably have a yard to mow. (dang it :) )

Assorted tools, and a very nice wallet. My duct-tape one, while being much roomier and having a change pouch, is now obsolete. A set of computer speakers. Handy because they have plugs for my headset mic on 'em.

FTTDOTD: Make a flamethrower with an aerosol can and a lighter.


Anonymous said...

But it's there...

I don't know if my mom'd let me try that flamethrower thing... Could ask just to see what she says though. :-P

Sentry said...

Sentry- K' so im back now. and i intend on reading blogs again. been my blog.

Ken Tanis said...

Bah. Word it right, and you'll get her to do it with you even.

@Sentry (who probably won't read this anyway): Relevant comment. /sarcasm

Sentry said...

*reads comment*
whats ur issue, did i say somethin 2 make u mad cuz uve been mighty cranky l8ly...

Ken Tanis said...

lol, no, I'm just saying exactly what I think, and statistically, you probably weren't going to read this blog.

As for have no right to tell me I'm too sarcastic. ;-)

Good to see you back blogging again.

Sentry said...

i tried 2 change the commenty thing, can you post comments on mine yet???

Ken Tanis said...

Nope, now they need to 'be reviewed by the blog author'.

Change your password, give it to me, I'll unlock your comments, then you can change your password back, if you can't figure it out.

Ken Tanis said...

Looks like you've got it. Cheers.