Friday, June 29, 2007

Back In Back

National Guard isn't going to happen.

My back got worse today. Wasn't doing anything, just suddenly sitting became painful. I've spent the majority of the evening lying on the floor to keep my back supported. Even sitting up to type this kills.
Before, on a normal day, I could have done it. The physical training and all that. But if I wake up on day two of basic training and can't put my boots on, let alone do push-ups and run around with a sixty pound backpack...This has made it obvious that whatever happened did not heal, it just went away for a while, and if it came back once now, it's going to come back again later.

I walk around and think I feel okay, then I lie down. Then I realize how much effort it actually took me to get there, and that I can barely move myself into a flat position.

So I'm not joining up. I can't even rely on myself and it sucks.
I haven't felt this down in so long that I can't remember the last time.
I'd kick something or go for a bike ride, but, well, I can't.

SOTD: Lifehouse - You & Me

EDIT: Here's an idea of what it's like right now. I sneezed a few minutes ago. The jolt from the sneeze was enough to make me fall down onto one knee.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You're starting to sound a lot like Eragon.


I'll pray lots.

Sentry said...

...dang that sux...

well if it hurts to type then stop typing. plz!

u shood get surgery or something to fix that.

Sentry said...

also praying...


Ken Tanis said...

You can't get your back fixed with surgery. Most back problems stay broken.

Much better over the weekend, so thanks for the extra voices.