Sunday, June 17, 2007

Abusing The Rule Of Thirds

Still Tired. Been so all week, both on the busy days and on the lazy days. Supposedly all this sleeping and eating and bumping into things makes me taller. We will see.

For now, a very long photoblog. I love photoblogs. Can post something long and funny and interesting without having to actually write anything meaningful.

Oh, and the rule of thirds mentioned in the title. It's when you draw an imaginary tic-tac-toe board over your picture, and then line up your points of interest on the intersections of the imaginary board before taking the shot. Makes for more dramatic pictures, supposedly. I used it on almost every picture in this collection.

So took a bike ride on this awesome Sunday morning, brought the camera, and these are the results:

This is just up the road from our driveway...this sandal has been sitting in the road for almost a week now.

'Shopped to look warmer. City pictures look cool with extra blues and such. Makes them look cold and artificial, though I've seen some orange-ish ones that looked pretty cool too. Country pictures, though, look better with extra yellow. Makes them look almost nostalgic.

Lesser swine.

Greater swine.

Mud hole. They also tend to excrete in the corners, so this area hums with flies.

Their muddy faces. Pigs are stupid and smelly, but strong. Their noses are slimy and muddy, the rest of them is dry and dusty. Their hair is coarse. They taste good sliced thinly on pizza.

A pair of large old trees in the neighbor's yard.

Photoshopped for no good reason. Don't much care for how this one turned out.

We are experiencing financial difficulties, please stand by. And mow the lawn while you're at it, would you? This house is one of three or four on a strip of road in the developement. They are economy houses, small and cheap. It's been years and they haven't sold. Silly developers. People who move to the country and into developements want small yards and big houses.

One street name isn't good enough. Whenever the road changes direction more than twenty degrees, the name changes. Those crazy developer types again.

A swamp. Right next to the road. Down a steep hill. There's no guard rail. Just about don't feel safe WALKING down that stretch of road, let alone driving on it in the rain and snow at forty miles per hour.

I like pictures of street signs.

A quick photoshop job later, and it's night. Best part is, this photo was taken at ten-thirty in the morning in direct sunlight. Bethany wants me to photoshop her in walking away with a guitar.

The barn on the left belongs to the church drummer, the field on the right is plowed with horses and antique plows every Spring.

Grass meets mud meets tar. Part three of the series?

This turned out really cool, with the glare and everything. Old barns make nifty pictures.

A field?

That's a sheep at the bottom there. The vines and bushes were too high to take a good picture over.

More big flat spots.

'Pleasant View Farms Mineral Reclamation' It's a gravel mine, people. Stop fooling yourselves.

'Pavement Ends' That's what they WANT you to think.

The old 'tree in a field' shot that has been taken about five million times.

Where my mom drove off the rode last winter. Same tree as last shot, different angle. The blue treeline in the distance is pretty sweet.

Whilst riding the bicycle downhill over potholes with one hand watching the camera screen instead of where I was going. The sacrifices I make.

Do the Dew. Just pretend it's not an Iced Tea can.

Sleepy Coffee. It's a foam coffee cup with a sock on top like a night cap. You can see the iced tea can floating away in the background. Found all of this on the side of the road, decided to have somje fun. Almost rode back to get the sandal to put under the cup.

The best picture is always the tunnel of trees just before my house.

Tim's backyard. The pond obviously needs about another week's worth of filling from the garden hose. Personally, I think he should pour kerosene over the water and call the fire department to come put it out for him. Fill that pond right up, courtesy of the township tanker truck. ;-)

And that's it.

SOTD: All of my music-playing devices have ganged up on me again. They seem to align themselves to all play the same song from time to time. Today it was Skillet - Say Goodbye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the bike one and the tree tunnel. :-)