Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Goats And The Skids

Last blog was...Friday, so picking up on Saturday. Built a goat-milking stand, and a very sturdy one it is. Mom got some measurements and left 'em with Dad, and he made some upgrades...when he builds things he tends to make them at least 75% stronger than they need to be. If we ever decide to try, say, milking dwarf elephants, we won't need a separate stand. I'd bet money that you could drive on the thing if it were big enough.
Then Mom showed up with a window that she wanted put in the goat barn. (that's ex-horse barn, by the way) So Dad put that in whilst everyone else helped restack the hay that had been unstacked after being...stacked, because apparently it wasn't dry enough and so the bales needed to be spread out.
I sort of ran between everyone, as, with the allergy medicine that I am now allowed to take, I can be in the barn with the hay for ten or fifteen minutes without trouble, but after that it gets uncomfortable.

Did a lot of recording, but didn't actually get anything we were happy with. I need drum heads, and our recording equipment is lousy, add to that the fact that we can both sing, but neither very well, and the fact that with one mike, we can't actually play the song together, we have to play it track by track, one instrument at a time, which ruins the rhythm. Ah well. It's a start, and it is fun to be able to hear ourselves played back.

Sunday...Church. During the Sunday School hour was a ministry fair in which all the ministry groups at work in the church tried to get volunteers. No one actually signed up for anything, as the percussion and sound equipment teams table can attest.

Sunday night was a visit to Peace youthgroup. Don't know if it's for me yet or not. Definitely fun, the lesson got really long though...sitting on the floor for an hour is rather uncomfortable, especially with the trusty back. It doesn't like to stay in one position for a long time, sitting or standing. The platform jousting was great. I might go so far as to say that mine was the most spectacular. While everyone else would just whack each other repeatedly in the same spot, the kid I was battling had a bit more variety in his style. The secret seems to be to hold the...thing near one end, hitting with the long end and blocking with the short one. Did all right. He fell first, and that's the point, so I'm told. Was surprised when the Sentry lost so quickly to some skinny girl.

Tuesday Dad brought the company truck home with a bunch of rejected wooden skids, picked me up and took off to some guy's house to drop it all off. Skids are interesting because they're all different sizes and different kinds of wood. The pine ones you can just snatch up and throw with one hand, but the oak ones take a lot of effort to get over the sides of the truck.

I think fall officially starts today.

Political Rant
So in my government class, I came across a rather long quote from Abraham Lincoln, the shortened version of which says that because the US is big and rich and populated by free people, the rest of the world combined couldn't take it by force, and if destruction be our destiny, then it has to come from the inside. We have to weaken and destroy ourselves.
So then this morning on a political blog that I read regularly there was a bunch of info that the media neglects to mention, basically how an Islamic brotherhood, and a rather large one...basically sounds like every Islamic terrorist in one big convention, released plans fifteen years ago to infiltrate our nation and our government with their people.
We're not known for our ability to prevent unwanted immigrants from...immigrating, and we ARE known for the ease with which a foreigner can climb the ladder of power by screaming 'racism' at everyone who gets in the way.
We saw the results on 9/11 when the hidden terrorist cells living in our country started joyriding airplanes into buildings and lonely Pennsylvanian fields.
It's just scary to see it all put together like that...we're being weakened and destroyed by foreigners...from within.
Governments like money, and immigrants will give it to them if the politicians make laws to make life fair or even more than fair for immigrants.
End Political Rant

SOTD - Nickelback - Far Away


Sentry said...

the lessons are long ill admit but the rest if fun. they usually sing a bunch of songs. mike and john can play guitar good and nate playes they drums. which shortens the lesson...

ur jousting was by far the most though out. although jakes behind the back move was pretty sweet. then again hes into LARPing. nerd. yes i did lose fairly fast. dont no why. nikki went against ur sister, she didnt want to really smack her. said she felt bad. ur sis is sooooooooo shy. nice though

i agree with your political rant. but there are 2 sides to every story. immigration made america what it is today. only like 1% of our population is Native American. and if history repeats its self every great nation has fallen...we just havent gotten there yet.

Ken Tanis said...

Aha. Didn't know Nate could drum...drummers aren't easy to pick out like guitar players are though, unless you catch them slapping furniture when they're distracted.

The most thought out...I suppose it was. I had an interesting opponent as well though. It was interesting. The behind the back swing was cool, though I can't stick a face to the name, and I have no idea what LARPing is.

Bethany is also a ninja though. If she'd gone to PEACE for a year or so and knew everyone relatively well, and had platform jousted a few times before, Nikki may have been injured. ;)

That is true. And even now plenty of great people are coming to America because even with it's problems it's still a great place to live. But immigration is the weapon.

Flipping long comment there. :)

They fall when the government and the people aren't the same thing any more...I'm saving that for a longer and better organized future rant.

Anonymous said...

Those goats're going to be spoiled I bet. At least for the first day or two...

Only ever platform jousted once. Against Krysty. I lost. Sounds like the youth group could be fun. If not for the long lessons than for the peoples.

Ooh. Political blog? Where at?

Sentry said...

yeah he playes the drums. idk if hes any good. but he does play

LARPing is tecnicaly Live Actition Role Playing. our a bunch of nerds dressing up like there from the lord of the rings and having sword fights and such. its quite pathetic really