Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Eat Your Dinner. It'll Make You Grow Up Fat And Lazy.

Saturday, bike ride, covered the last unexplored roads I can get to without crossing a main road. That's against the rules here, it seems. The government trusts people of my age alone in a block of metal doing sixty-five at night, but apparently biking in the day time is a no deal. Sentry, you've seen what the traffic is like out here. You don't see cars. It just doesn't happen.

Dad got home, checked the brakes on Grandma's convertible. Dad is going to buy it from Bethany, it looks like, because it's better on gas. (Whatever. It's a convertible sports car. Be honest.) Then we'll just not replace the van when it dies.

Sunday, dug up the hose in the garden. The water is flowing very slowly even though the pump is clean. Turned out the hose was smashed by the dirt. It was also kind of long, the less water the pump needs to be pushing, the faster it can push it, so I cut the hose down and buried it much nearer the surface. Getting five times the water flow now.

Monday I was bored, so I sat out by the pond with a bucket of rocks and a bunch of green glass chunks and built dams and waterfalls and stuff for like an hour or something...The basic elements are just so attractive to people to play with...dirt, water...fire...

Spent a lot of time reading. The last Harry Potter, and a couple of Frank Perettis. The last 'Potter' wasn't as good as the others. Very drawn out, and lacking the surprising plot twists and fun new characters that the other books had. I suppose it's gotta be wrapped up somehow, and it was still a fun read.

Someone let a few squadrons of flies in a while back. Most of them have been killed off, but there is one flying around my desk right now making a nuisance of himself. Has anyone actually used the electrified fly swatters? Do they work?

The new MP3 player showed up a few days ago. It's an Ipod minus fifty dollars. Enough memory that I've copied all the music I want onto it and I've still got empty space. Put on the few music videos that are worth watching, and the Jesus/Terminator spoof. The volume could go louder, and an AM tuner would be nice, but it works.

VBS wasn't so cool. The leader messed up the schedule quite badly, skipping things, adding things, expecting me to have music and video cued up. Put pretty much everyone on the spot...then she started talking halfway through a skit DVD...she felt bad afterward. It's not as crazy as I'd expected, but I've got an assistant, which helps a lot with all the video work that needs to be done constantly. Overall it's been a let down. The first two years were really brilliant, and last year was pretty cool, but it's going downhill. I probably won't sign up again next year.

My summer to-do list doesn't have much of anything on it, except for the really really boring stuff, and not much of it. Ah well. At least it's almost all done, rather than being made and then put off and none of it getting done.

SOTD: Tree63 - You Only


Sentry said...

i finished the last harry potter 2 days ago...i think. i liked it. i had really expected her to completly blow the ending. they usually do but she at least added a little twist to it...a very predictable twist. the hero never actually dies in these kind of books.

i dont see y and electric fly swatter whould help. one good swap with a normal fly swatter and they are a splattered mess. dont see how zapping them at the same time would help.

i think everything at our church is going downhill. they dont even have youth group anymore.

Sentry said...

wow the clocks here are off. they say i posted that last comment before you posted your blog...and its deffinatly not 5 in the morning

Anonymous said...

Electric fly swatters are probably just a waste of batteries.

I haven't helped with a VBS for two years now... I wonder where they all get their programs from. Maybe they're getting cheesier here too.

Anonymous said...

Not much on my to-do list either. My B-DAY is on the 28th and I might go to guiatr center tommorow. thats all I have planned right now.

I'm sorry it sounded like vbs was hectic.

(I am back!!!)

Rock rock on!

Anonymous said...

hey! libberz here from bc.
so it sounds like you've had some interesting happenings to you! just thought i'd drop by and say hey. so Hey! lol