Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Day When Grandma Moved In

Saturday was spent mostly taking down a horse fence. The guy who lived there was selling it for basically 10% of what it was worth, plus he used his loader to pull out the t-posts and stacked 'em for us, basically all we had to do was coil up the wire (high-tension steel wire does NOT coil, and if you drop it, it'll fly everywhere and probably slice your eye out) and pick everything else up. Now we have somewhere to keep our invisible horse. My prediction is that we'll get two next summer.

Then Sunday went to Kentwood Christian Church, because Aaron Shust was there after his concert at the Ionia County Fair on Saturday. We got there an hour early just in case, turned out to be about the same size as our church, congregation-wise, but the crowd was younger, and the church was fancier. Huge windows, high ceilings, two projectors, etc. Dad was talking to a guy while we waited, and he ended up being a tech guy. So while the sanctuary was closed off during Aaron Shust's warm-up, I got to watch and check out their sound system. It was big and new. No way someone could run it all by themselves.

He played load of songs. His band wasn't there, so it was just him and his guitar, but it was still pretty cool. Got sleepy toward the end though.

Then went swimming in the neighbors' pool for the first time this year.

Monday the biggest thing I did was take a bike ride in a different direction than normal. Took a few pictures, but the camera isn't here right now...I'll try to add pictures later today.
Also went to Grandma's for a load of stuff and some polyurethane. Aha, finally spell check is of some use and teaches me the correct spelling. That stuff is fifty bucks per one gallon bucket, and they gave us the wrong stuff into the deal. Stopped by the post office to send off a bunch of books. They took my money and my books. The feeling goes away when I get books back though.

Tuesday wasn't all that fun. Nothing I did was fulfilling. Found out later it was because I had skipped breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Probably had no blood sugar or something, so before bed I ate a huge chunk of chicken with ranch and a bunch of chocolate. Was downright giddy after that, but still tired.

Drumming skills are falling apart on me, but that means I'm about to learn something cool and new. I don't want to learn something new. I've gotta play drums at church this Sunday. Did have a fun jam session with my sister and my dad at the end of the day though. Gotta get a keyboard in with the other instruments, 'cause Dad is a wicked awesome piano player, with or without sheet music.

VBS practice. It's not gonna be much good this year. The lesson is too retarded to fool even the kids, the actors on the skit DVD are like they're trying to brainwash three-year-olds. Also there are like half a dozen CDs and DVDs with as many as three needing to be played at once, as well as powerpoint. Switching the screen between video and powerpoint is a very slow process as well. It's not going to go well.

SOTD: Skillet - Whirlwind

And I forgot another great fun thing to do of the day. Ah well. Cya all.


Anonymous said...

Invisible horses. Nifty.

So you just missed eating all day... Silly person.

Those poor kids.

Sentry said...

ive always thought VBS was just a giant brainwasher. idk the cheesey songs and everyone has the huge "i love jesus with all my heart" smile.