Sunday, June 10, 2007

You Know You've Been Drumming For Too Long When...

You start drooling. Yeah. Break time.

So I spent the week scraping the old three layers of shingles off of the roof and putting new ones down. The first day we had a huge, windy rain storm. We had some shingles stripped off, but no new ones put down. Luckily we had purchased a gigantic one hundred dollar tarp for just such an occasion. So we frantically spread it and dropped some shingle bundles around the edges of it. Shingles weigh about eighty pounds a bundle, so they're plenty heavy.
Well the wind comes a-whipping up the hill behind the house, catches the tarp and tosses those shingles right off the roof into the yard.
So then we got to carry them back up the ladder and run around on this tarp, which is now wet from rain and billowing all over the place, which is rather dizzying. (ever been to the ocean? It's like that, only you can fall off) Put down twice as many bundles, and hid inside.
The power didn't even go out.

The rest of the week was less eventful. Guarunteed everyone I wouldn't sunburn. They all said they were sure I would.
Guess who didn't burn.
Got an acceptable tan finally though.
On Tuesday an old friend of my dad's, who is a small-time contractor joined us to get the back deck enclosed and tied into the house whilst we worked on the roof. He was British. Funny guy, cool accent.
So after a week of that buisness, we've got it all done. Learned a bit. Got to do all the edge work 'cause nobody else would go near it. Rolled off once at a spot where there was another roof a few feet below the edge and yelled. Freaked everybody out, they all half jump up, then see that I'm on the lower roof. That was fun. Working by the vent pipes for the bathrooms: Not fun. Ever wanna prank somebody though, plug that thing. Eventually their toilet won't want to flush anymore, plus it'll stink.

Went to another big sale on Saturday, bought tools mostly.

Sunday, the pastor didn't pray long enough for me to get any sleep in the sound booth. Ah well. Labled some of the knobs on the sound board that needed labeling. Someone bought the wrong CDs for the service-recorder. Brilliant.

Lately been just slowly, leisurely working on getting the door and electric set up in the newly enclosed back deck. Pictures are forthcoming, it looks awesome.

Tried to drum. Hard to do after a week of toting a nailgun around. Not that I regret it. Nailguns are fun, and everyone else would rather align shingles than heft that thing all day. As long as you can still aim it straight at the end of the day and don't mind the weight, it's a pretty easy job. Duane, the contractor, had a Co2 powered one. That was outrageous. Ours was air-compressor powered, so you have to trail a hose around behind it, Duane's was cordless and much lighter. It was wicked awesome. Five hundred dollar tool though.

So, busy all week, but not loads to tell. Good week, glad it's over. I've got a lot of sitting on my butt to do, so please excuse me.

SOTD: Skillet - Best Kept Secret (Because everyone knows that Skillet rocks and choosing a Skillet SOTD is so difficult. Best Kept Secret is just what's playing now.)

FTTDOTD: Bring a little red wagon to the gym. Set it on the running machine and tie the handle to the machine. Turn the machine on full power, and get in.


Anonymous said...

So the deck is not really a deck now but more of a room dealy?

Oh, a tan. For real, now? *doesn't believe*

*gets out little red wagon*

Ken Tanis said...

Indeed. Will take pictures today, I think.

Yeah, thanks a lot. *sarcasm*

Sentry said...

sounds like fun...not really, i live nail guns too. ours in an air gun with the hose and all though and its fairly heavy as far as nail guns go, but its fun. i dont like the air compressor. never tried to play the drums afterwards...and ive never played until i started drooling.???

does this mean that your gonna go to bob and barbs? wouldnt blame you if you dont. its tomorrow at 8.

U TAN. WOW!!! *doubts, but decides to belive*

Ken Tanis said...

Eight? You mean like in the morning?

Yeah, why not. Somebody's gotta keep you out of trouble.

It wasn't easy either. Apparently it just takes me three times as long as the rest of mankind. It's still a pretty wimpy one.