Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Invisible Fences Make Good Neighbors

Haven't blogged much because haven't had much 'Blog' should not be a verb.

Been work. Monday was all errand-running. Got a bunch of library books. It feels good to be able to grab a good book and read whenever I want to. I've missed that since finding books got more difficult. Read 'em all, I like to think. :-)

Book sale for homeschoolers as well. Bought a bunch of the 'Uncle Eric' books. They explain politics and economy, basically. I love 'em. The sellers robbed me on the prices, but the books WERE in very good condition, and they're something that I'd like to have around and be able to re-read later. They're not especially easy to find.

Tuesday, raked Tim's mud. He wants the clay raked free of rocks and sod around his substantial pond. Was an okay job, really. The sprinklers had to run the entire time to keep the clay from getting hard, but it was rather slippery instead. Took some time off to bury their invisible fence using a sidewalk edger to dig a trench and a screwdriver to push the wire in. Yeah, Tim has some goofy ideas about how he wants things done (such as the door-painting incident) that don't turn out well. I don't think he'd appreciate any initiative either though. Best bet is to do it his way and let him deal with the mixed results.

Wednesday, washed windows with some of the youthgroup. Some of the youthgroup equals Alyssa, a girl from church, and my fan club, the ShookAlexanderWatsonAbbot sisters. (Feel sorry for me. Please.) They didn't seem to want to put forth a lot of effort into the cleaning.

Then did some trimming and laundry around and in the house. Garden needs work. Slowly making progress on wood-burning projects. Slowly. I hope after finishing this pond Tim doesn't have any jobs for a few weeks. The money is nice, but I spent all winter finding new hobbies to keep me busy so the summer wouldn't feel wasted like so many previous ones have. I succeeded admirably, and then got a job. Ingenious. Now I have piles of things to do. Being busy is a good feeling too, I suppose, but when everything you get done is for someone else, it doesn't feel nearly as good. I'm sure coming home and seeing your lawn looking nice, but being fifty dollars poorer isn't such a great feeling either. Silly employers. :-D

Travis wants to set an official bike-riding time in the evenings and an official running time in the mornings. He really wants that 8:30/9:00 time slot for biking. That's my 'sit at the computer' time, and he can't have it. I don't do much of that any more either.

Listening to music has been annoying me lately...just not enjoying it much. Preferring quiet. So no song of the day.


Anonymous said...

Books are great. :-)

*feels sorry*

Yeah. Sit at the computer time has its good points.

Sentry said...

just finished a rather good book myself. i do like reading though i do tend to deny it...

u poor thing. thats a squirly bunch there. that had to suck.

bob is the same way. u know what hes doing isnt gonna work but you dont say anything cuz he dosent want to hear it.

for some reason i cant see travis running...speaking of travis i havent seen in forever.