Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Five Teenaged Kids On An Old Man's Shed, Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Ice Tea

The summer todo list has been really handy. Granted, it grows faster than I can cross things off it, but the feeling of always being busy and getting things done is good. The running, when I have time for it, is finally starting to show some results. If I want to run a quarter mile to the neighbors' to work or something, I can do so without being out of breath. It's pretty cool.

Basically been working all week. Most of it has been at Tim's. He had the pond in his backyard dug out bigger. So big he could put a coupla boats in there comfortably now. It's even got a beach. I'll sneak over and take pictures when it looks more finished. His dogs are great. Always making a mess of his yard so I can be paid to fix it.
Also took their door off to paint it. Their dogs keep scratching it, which is why it had to be re-painted, but old habits die hard. While I've got it up on blocks in the garage drying, they go over and scratch it anyway.

Then this morning, went to some people from church's house and shingled their garden shed. Was pitifully easy work, if not for the hoardes of other kids who didn't know how to do it. Some caught on fast, some didn't try, some were terrified and huddling in the middle of the roof. Yeah, they were all of eight feet in the air and dizzy with vertigo. Everybody did okay though, and it looks halfway decent. We had two air-nailers, which was cool. They jammed on a predictable cycle, which wasn't cool. Bob, our supervisor, (he's a guy from our church who does a lot of volunteer construction work) spent pretty much the entire time unjamming guns, which was cool. Most everybody got over their fear of power tools. That wasn't cool.
It looked okay when we were through.

Travis is paying me twenty bucks to feed his pigs three times a day this week while he's on a trip. It would be okay if not for his grandpa shuffling around mumbling about how wrong Travis has everything set up, and how wrong I am feeding them, and getting everything mixed up and not realizing it. I've taken to sneaking over there to feed the pigs when his grandpa is inside. Orientation: Travis lives across the street, his grandpa lives next-door-ish to him. Tim is also next door to Travis.

Spent the rest of the day bumping into things and tripping and dropping things, the crown achievement would be slipping on a pile of plywood across the only walkway whilst carrying an old wooden extension ladder which was knocking things down and catching on things and I fell and twisted my ankle and bruised my shoulder.
This 'growing' buisness sucks.

Then had Dad swearing and yelling because...I'm not sure why. Was helping him put up some siding, when he asked if I was doing things correctly, I pointed out that I had never done this before and that I had no idea. He carried on anyway and ended up making a mess because I hadn't linked the siding correctly. Took it apart and looked at it, now I know how it goes together, but. He has bursts of impatience which are released with wild abandon in the form of physical destruction and verbal abuse. I have thankfully not inherited that.

FTTDOTD: Learn to juggle. Then teach me.

SOTD: Tenacious D - Tribute (Funny song. They swear once, but honestly, we've heard it all by now.)


Anonymous said...

Nifty. I'm not quite so far on the running thing yet... But that's cool. :-)

Working. Working, working. More working. You're a very busy person indeed.

If I could juggle... Heh. Yeah right. :-)

Sentry said...

i can juggel a soccer ball on my knees but...the 3 objects flying around my head that im supposed to catch...well thats a different story.

u havent inherited...did i hear/see that right??? cuz uhh... u do have a temper. lol

peace out bro

Anonymous said...

aahaaha sounds fun =]

oh and yea i'll count it cuz i welted pretty bad...sooo it's S.I. =/ but neways!
