Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Eat Your Dinner. It'll Make You Grow Up Fat And Lazy.

Saturday, bike ride, covered the last unexplored roads I can get to without crossing a main road. That's against the rules here, it seems. The government trusts people of my age alone in a block of metal doing sixty-five at night, but apparently biking in the day time is a no deal. Sentry, you've seen what the traffic is like out here. You don't see cars. It just doesn't happen.

Dad got home, checked the brakes on Grandma's convertible. Dad is going to buy it from Bethany, it looks like, because it's better on gas. (Whatever. It's a convertible sports car. Be honest.) Then we'll just not replace the van when it dies.

Sunday, dug up the hose in the garden. The water is flowing very slowly even though the pump is clean. Turned out the hose was smashed by the dirt. It was also kind of long, the less water the pump needs to be pushing, the faster it can push it, so I cut the hose down and buried it much nearer the surface. Getting five times the water flow now.

Monday I was bored, so I sat out by the pond with a bucket of rocks and a bunch of green glass chunks and built dams and waterfalls and stuff for like an hour or something...The basic elements are just so attractive to people to play with...dirt, water...fire...

Spent a lot of time reading. The last Harry Potter, and a couple of Frank Perettis. The last 'Potter' wasn't as good as the others. Very drawn out, and lacking the surprising plot twists and fun new characters that the other books had. I suppose it's gotta be wrapped up somehow, and it was still a fun read.

Someone let a few squadrons of flies in a while back. Most of them have been killed off, but there is one flying around my desk right now making a nuisance of himself. Has anyone actually used the electrified fly swatters? Do they work?

The new MP3 player showed up a few days ago. It's an Ipod minus fifty dollars. Enough memory that I've copied all the music I want onto it and I've still got empty space. Put on the few music videos that are worth watching, and the Jesus/Terminator spoof. The volume could go louder, and an AM tuner would be nice, but it works.

VBS wasn't so cool. The leader messed up the schedule quite badly, skipping things, adding things, expecting me to have music and video cued up. Put pretty much everyone on the spot...then she started talking halfway through a skit DVD...she felt bad afterward. It's not as crazy as I'd expected, but I've got an assistant, which helps a lot with all the video work that needs to be done constantly. Overall it's been a let down. The first two years were really brilliant, and last year was pretty cool, but it's going downhill. I probably won't sign up again next year.

My summer to-do list doesn't have much of anything on it, except for the really really boring stuff, and not much of it. Ah well. At least it's almost all done, rather than being made and then put off and none of it getting done.

SOTD: Tree63 - You Only

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Day When Grandma Moved In

Saturday was spent mostly taking down a horse fence. The guy who lived there was selling it for basically 10% of what it was worth, plus he used his loader to pull out the t-posts and stacked 'em for us, basically all we had to do was coil up the wire (high-tension steel wire does NOT coil, and if you drop it, it'll fly everywhere and probably slice your eye out) and pick everything else up. Now we have somewhere to keep our invisible horse. My prediction is that we'll get two next summer.

Then Sunday went to Kentwood Christian Church, because Aaron Shust was there after his concert at the Ionia County Fair on Saturday. We got there an hour early just in case, turned out to be about the same size as our church, congregation-wise, but the crowd was younger, and the church was fancier. Huge windows, high ceilings, two projectors, etc. Dad was talking to a guy while we waited, and he ended up being a tech guy. So while the sanctuary was closed off during Aaron Shust's warm-up, I got to watch and check out their sound system. It was big and new. No way someone could run it all by themselves.

He played load of songs. His band wasn't there, so it was just him and his guitar, but it was still pretty cool. Got sleepy toward the end though.

Then went swimming in the neighbors' pool for the first time this year.

Monday the biggest thing I did was take a bike ride in a different direction than normal. Took a few pictures, but the camera isn't here right now...I'll try to add pictures later today.
Also went to Grandma's for a load of stuff and some polyurethane. Aha, finally spell check is of some use and teaches me the correct spelling. That stuff is fifty bucks per one gallon bucket, and they gave us the wrong stuff into the deal. Stopped by the post office to send off a bunch of books. They took my money and my books. The feeling goes away when I get books back though.

Tuesday wasn't all that fun. Nothing I did was fulfilling. Found out later it was because I had skipped breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Probably had no blood sugar or something, so before bed I ate a huge chunk of chicken with ranch and a bunch of chocolate. Was downright giddy after that, but still tired.

Drumming skills are falling apart on me, but that means I'm about to learn something cool and new. I don't want to learn something new. I've gotta play drums at church this Sunday. Did have a fun jam session with my sister and my dad at the end of the day though. Gotta get a keyboard in with the other instruments, 'cause Dad is a wicked awesome piano player, with or without sheet music.

VBS practice. It's not gonna be much good this year. The lesson is too retarded to fool even the kids, the actors on the skit DVD are like they're trying to brainwash three-year-olds. Also there are like half a dozen CDs and DVDs with as many as three needing to be played at once, as well as powerpoint. Switching the screen between video and powerpoint is a very slow process as well. It's not going to go well.

SOTD: Skillet - Whirlwind

And I forgot another great fun thing to do of the day. Ah well. Cya all.

Friday, July 20, 2007

"Crack" said the little blue palmpilot.

Movies: The Last Mimzy. Don't waste your time. One of those children's movies that is too deep for the short ones to enjoy, but too childish for the tall ones. The back story was kind of interesting, but the actual movie was not. Plus they had that guy from 'The Office' playing a serious character, which was depressing to watch.

Today being Friday, we packed up pretty much everything at my grandma's house besides my grandma. And some soup and a TV to watch 'Jeopardy' on. Not much of a story there. We just...packed it. Did get a nice piece of writing done though.

The palmpilot is the MP3 player. Trouble is, without a lock switch, it does crazy things when you put it in your pocket. A major use for it is for music to drum along with. Balancing it on your knee isn't an option, because drummers are basically running laps with their legs back there, what with those foot-pedals to stomp on all the time. So the safest place is on the floor tom, the big drum on the far right that is flat and rarely used.

So you drum. You flail all over the place until a drumstick catches your headphone cord.
The MP3 player is yanked off the drum.
It falls.
The touch screen connects with the foot of the drum stool. (drummers call it a throne, I hear)
The screen doesn't work anymore.

So now I'm just going to break down and buy an MP3 player. I'd use it enough to make it worth it, and it would last longer than the palmpilots did, not having touch screens. They're smaller, the batteries last longer, they play videos, etc. Sansas tend to be fifty dollars cheaper than comparable Ipods, and according to the most trusted shopping sites I can find, they're just better in function. Maybe not in design, but whatever. I know a few people who have them, and they're all very happy with them. So. Good-bye money. I guess I'll be putting off new drum heads even longer. :-(

Sister bought the new Aaron Shust CD today. It's cool. She also saw a sign in front of a church claiming that Aaron Shust was going to be there this Sunday. She's looking into it.

Was going to work at Best Metals weeding some more tomorrow, but Dad is going in really early, and we've got a horse fence to take down and move tomorrow as well. He's starting at like 2am, and with weeding requiring a constant crouching position...I'm just not going to push it. Last thing I need is to spend another week as a cripple.

Plus to school starting: other youth groups in the area will start up again. I'm going to go shopping for a new one. My old one doesn't work any more and even I can tell I need to get out some.

SOTD: Aaron Shust - Give Me Words To Speak

Saturday, July 14, 2007

...And the Walmarts stretched as far as they could see in all directions...

Got up at three so my dad could drop me off at Scott and Misty's on his way to work. From there I helped pack the van until everyone showed up. We left about a half hour late, which was actually later than my excessively pessimistic projection.

I think I had the most bags, but I also had flashlights and knives and duct tape and watches that were borrowed by pretty much everyone at some point, so I consider my extra luggage justified. Next time I'm bringing my briefcase for stuff I want to keep in the van like snacks and books and medicine. Plastic bags don't work well.

Scott or Bob had built a small entertainment center that fit between the front seats of the van so everyone could watch TV. Was probably the best idea anyone came up with on the entire trip. This way we could be tired and packed in a van full of slightly smelly people with butt cramps from sitting for too long AND watch a movie all at the same time. The distraction was very appreciated. We watched Monty Python and the Quest For The Holy Grail first. It was quoted at every opportunity for the rest of the trip. 'Liar Liar' was watched twice because it was so funny. Then there were a few action movies on the first day of the trip but Misty has some weird ideas about what movies her kids can and can't see. Swearing, sexual references, and drug use are no big deal, as well as killing animals or severely injuring people, but killing people in defense of something noble is out. It sucked. We quickly ran out of interesting movies that fit the criteria and moved on to animated children's movies and horsey flicks. The worst of all was 'Baby's Big Adventure' or something. Yeah, use your imagination.

Saw a house that looked just like the one from Secondhand Lions. Great movie, by the way.

Saw a rolled over semi truck. Passed a prison. Halfway through Indiana everything just got flat and stayed that way. It looked cool, seeing fields out forever with houses and barns scattered in around them.

Stayed at a hotel. Had the theme dinner complete with Napoleon Dynamite music and wigs. Four guys, two beds. The other guy in mine required all but a modest eighteen inches or so at the edge. I made sure to make him feel bad about it. He volunteered to sleep on a cot for the rest of the trip.

In the morning we had breakfast at the hotel and this grubby guy comes in and starts spinning this story about how he got a flat tire and then ran out of gas up the road and could he please have five dollars and in exchange he would let Scott hold the title to his car while he went to the gas station. Scott gave him the five, the guy went outside, climbed in a car and drove away. For a scam to get five dollars though, he must've really needed it for something, and it wasn't enough to buy drugs in any substantial quantity, so whatever.

The second day was longer, and pretty much entirely in Texas. Texas is bigger than it looks on the map. The highways get up to twelve lanes, I kid you not, with a dozen highways and ramps curving amongst each other a hundred feet in the air. FRom Arkansas all the way down there is pretty much one dominant gas station chain: Love's. They're everywhere. Almost as thick as the Walmarts. It's kinda cool because prices on gas and snacks don't vary.

So finally at two in the morning we cross the bridge onto South Padre Island, where we'll be spending the next day and night: Saturday. The campground is closed. We can't sign up for a site. We drive around, the hotel was either too expensive or too full. End up sleeping in a church parking lot. The mosquitos come. They don't leave.

Wake up, eat breakfast in the campground parking lot this time while we wait for it to open. Sentry kept calling the palm trees pine trees. It was making her mad. Zach asked me to climb a palm tree to get him a coconut. Had to do some explaining about what grows on what tree.

Fed the seagulls.

We got into the campground and decided rather than setting up tents and renting a cabana (a sort of one-room house/hotel room on the beach) we should just get the cabana and pack everyone into it. So we did. The parking lot was in front of the cabana, the road was in front of the parking lot, the beach was in front of the road, and then there was the Gulf of Mexico.

Everything in Texas/Mexico starts at ten AM. Stores open, people go to the beach, etc. WE goofed around on the beach before that, went back, had lunch and a nap. With all the cots set up there was zero floor space. The bed had two people on it, the bunk bed must have had six or so, and all the cots and mattresses were edge to edge wall to wall. I read my book. The Sentry tried her hand at miniature origami.

Three hours later.

Everyone wakes up, we try the beach again. No more 'only people on the beach' for us. It was packed. Could barely walk between the towels. At this point the airhead blond ex-goth turned almost-a-prep decided she was bored and needed something to flirt at. I was the only thing in pants of the right age, the other guys being twelve or so. It got old in a hurry.

The ocean shredded one of my shoe laces while swimming. Gotta have shoes on to protect from invisible jellyfish. Got it unknotted, and it can still be tied, but it looks weird now. Smells funny too courtesy of the salt water. Everyone learned that the water in the public shower is reused only after they had rinsed their mouth out with it.

The theme dinner was good. We ate from bed pans.

Went on a crab-hunting expedition after dark. Brought the crabs home in a plastic tub.

The next morning, we went to church where we had camped out when we arrived. It was a congregation of old people, and I think they enjoyed the change in routine. The pastor played the accordian in one of the songs.

Drive all morning. Get to McAllen around noon, I think. Turns out rather than camping out in a gym, we get a guest house in a compound. Fences, gates, barns, sheds, houses, guest houses, camper trailers, underground sprinklers, and cactii. The youth got an entire house. It was so cool. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, all stocked with towels, washcloths, pillows, blankets, vacuums, food, books, movies, games, etc. It had AC too.

Hurt my back as soon as we got there. Was worried for a bit, but after an hour or two it was good enough to move around normally again.

Went to church at a Spanish church across the street. They spoke Spanish. They sang in Spanish. It had some really cool parts, mostly the singing when we sang in English and they in Spanish but the majority was generally boring. At this point I am very tired of writing.

Computer setup. Mislabeled cables. Took all day instead of two hours. One computer blew up when I turned it on. Smoke, sparks, crackling, etc. Wednesday night Spanish church. Zach tried to give me permission to ask his sister out. Had to explain repeatedly that I had no plans to do so. Randy writing a story. Got to help him out a bit with that. He's excited, as am I, because his writing style lacks detail and description, which is what I love to add.

Yard work, mowing, weed-whipping, etc. Dave, the missionary who runs the joint cut part of his finger off with a machete while cutting new string for the trimmer. Found it a few days later and I think the doctors ended up putting it back on after all that time.

Drive home, watched gay movies. Get there at like 11:00 PM.

SOTD: John Cale - Hallelujah (Takes the tune from the hymn and adds verses to it. Pretty cool.)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Started feeling better on Sunday. Luckily the chiropractor is a really beyond decent sort of guy, and he came into the office twice after hours for extra adjustments. Really helped.

So now instead of just sitting around I can do a bit more. Took some bike rides, did some reading. Comfortable positions for reading are not comfortable positions for cripples. Got the bench router out and made some plaques for wood burning. The disks of wood weren't working well at all. Set up a projector that would let me project what I wanted to burn onto the wood, then trace it with a pen, so the burned images are more accurate. Did some room cleaning which I couldn't have done before.

Then last night, did a bit of loading for the Texas trip. Cheers to you, Sentry, for doing it all afternoon.

Also found out that Flickr only allows two hundred pictures on a free account. They neglected to mention this when I signed up. So I moved to Picassa, which has a very cool feature: mapping. I can stick all my pictures on a local map so you all can see where they were taken. You all being Sentry and Doodle, who already know where I live. To anyone else, we have guns. Lots of guns. All over the house. Go away.

So now instead of posting photos in my blog, I'm going to link to a Picassa album.

SOTD: Sanctus Real - Things Like You (On the topic of Music, Casting Crowns, favorite band of my family, is releasing a new CD this summer. My mom already reserved a copy.)

FTTDOTD: I had a great one a few days ago, but forgot it.

Photo Album Of The Day:
Jul 3, 2007