Friday, August 31, 2007

That Altar And Door Again

So school started. That's how all the stories start, isn't it. With school.

Pretty easy selection of classes. Some copywork for handwriting, then an hour for history or science, depending on the day. Science is anatomy (again...bleah) and history is Renaissance. ( beats cave men) Then there's math. Algebra 3, which is a sort of geometry/trigonometry highbred, only without all the useless stuff I learned last year skipped over...which is geometry and trig, so it's pretty much pointless then. Ah well. Beats history. With math I can be right or wrong. History is just there. Then there's government/economy, which is by far my favorite. It's interesting stuff. Everybody should be learning it. Then drums, and a pathetic first-grader-style Greek/Latin class.

It's getting lonely, but with school starting up, the other youth groups ought to be getting under way, so it won't be for long.

And with the start of school things have stopped happening. Trimmed back the moss roses in the garden. They've gotten huge. Everything seems to have taken hold well, except for one of the phlox plants, which is looking slightly deceased.

Taking longer bike rides, as long as possible anyway. Today's was quite sad though. It's always interesting to wave at everyone or at least nod and see how many wave back. Today, none did.

Picked up the Casting Crowns CD today.

This weekend ought to be fun. Family shooting party in the backyard, and a bit of camping.

SOTD: Casting Crowns - East To West


Anonymous said...

Too bad public schools don't have a government/economics class like that.


Other youth groups should help, yeah. What about that skills center?

Fun. Camping. :-)

Ken Tanis said...

Spellcheck labeled both 'hybred' and 'hybrid' as incorrect.

Would take too much time away from the classes Mom already had planned, and she wasn't about to drop any of them, so it's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Spellcheck should date a dictionary or something.

Aw. :-(

Oh, and I like the SOTD.

Sentry said...

ug, school starts tomorrow 4 me. so ge ready for really short crappy blogs.

u actually like ecomomics...FREAK

not sure if ill b able to make kick off. ive got a swim meet wednesday.

family shooting party...does that mean that u are gonna shoot ur family or that ur family will be shooting?