Monday, August 6, 2007

A Long Time Gone

Been a week since I blogged? I am so irresponsible, neglecting my loyal readers like that.

The weekdays all happened one after the other in standard order. My shower was cut short Saturday morning. Travis was having trouble loading his pigs for fair. By the time we got there, he was through though...Friday at 11:01am, they will become the property of someone who isn't Travis, and their money will become the property of someone who is, who will proceed to pay all the pig feed debts he's been running up over the summer. The bigger two pigs anyway. The small ones are ideally going to be the star attraction of a neighborhood pig roast.

From there we took the top off of the convertible and went for a casual drive around Wayland. Stopping at flea markets and hardware stores and the like. I bought a lighter and a jug of 'The Works' toilet cleaner at the hardware store ('The Works' is the main ingredient in pretty much the most popular bomb used to blow up mailboxes in the early mornings) and also asked if they carried potassium nitrate...I think if I hadn't been shopping with my dad, they would have arrested me. Potassium nitrate isn't super dangerous, but it sounds so. I intend to use it in a sweet smoke grenade recipe I found recently.

As for the smoke grenades...I have many pranks planned for them. Making the neighbor guy's truck smoke...taping a couple to a model rocket and launching it over the lake, sticking it in the fridge so when someone opens the door it's full of (non-toxic) smoke. Fun stuff.

Stopped by to say hello to one of our old neighbors. He said hello back, and a boatload of other stuff that took around twenty minutes to wrap up. Yeah, he hasn't changed much. He's nice though.

Sunday, forgot to set my alarm, but was awakened by a dream of operating the sound brain has it's shortcomings, but sometimes it pulls some pretty sweet stunts. Didn't have time for a shower, but I got there on time.

VBS got better towards the end, the songs grew on me, as always, but it still wasn't nearly as good as the previous years. It was kind of sad too...each day of the VBS week had a main point. Whenever one of those points was mentioned in a lesson, the kids were supposed to yell 'tell the truth'. Poor things were so brainwashed and confused by the end whenever someone would say something, they would start hollering 'tell the-...oh'.

Sunday afternoon was my little sister's birthday party. She's three. The crazy uncle who always has a cool new 'toy' and is skilled in just about everything had a pair of bb shotguns and a nitro-powered remote controlled car. Now Dad wants one. I've got connections, we'll see, might actually be able to get him one.

Today was Michigan's Adventure, the local amusement park. (maybe not so local...two hour drive) The lines were longer than I remembered. Still had fun though.

SOTD: FFH - Follow Love (Inexplicably sad song. FFH is marked as downright cheery, competition for Relient K, then suddenly a sad song such as that one over there. Ah well.)
Johnny Cash - Hurt gets an honorable mention. If you haven't heard it, give it a try. His songs have a very unique style to them, but then each one is very unique by itself. 'Hurt' is about regretting drug abuse and cutting and stuff.

FTTDOTD: Don't keep all your appendages inside the ride at all times. Then when your appendage gets automatically confiscated by the mechanics of the ride, you can sue and give the money to your lawyer.

Scratch that, become a lawyer.


Anonymous said...

Oh. Pigs are pretty yummy too, but not so much as chickens. ;-)

Sudden interest in exploding stuff, then?

Fun is good. :-) Skycoasters are good too...

'Tis a sad song. I was surprised.

Um. If they warn you not to before the ride, doesn't that mean you can't sue?

Sentry said...

u could just b boring and use draino and tin foil... tin foil is a bit more excessable than potasium nitrate.

Beth was a michigan's adventure on friday with band camp

Ken Tanis said...

@Doodle: Doesn't stop people from trying.

@Sentry: Trying that, it's not working well for me. Potassium Nitrate is for smoke grenades, anyway.